2010年2月26日 星期五

Set Up a Praise Folder to Track Successes for Performance Reviews, Resume Boosts [Career]

Set Up a Praise Folder to Track Successes for Performance Reviews, Resume Boosts [Career]: "

Earlier this week we discussed creating a 'Never Again' folder to track mistakes. Reader dongola7 offers another great suggestion for tracking the opposite—your successes—with a Praise folder.

Photo by TheTruthAbout....

At the office, I've taken to maintaining a 'Praise' folder in my email client. I put all positive emails from managers and customers in this folder for later reference. This serves a number of purposes:

1) It's a great morale boost. Having a rough day at work? Just read over a couple of those emails.

2) It's useful for the normal performance review cycle. You can use those messages as a starting point for talking about accomplishments you've had since your last review.

3) It's useful for developing a resume and in the job hunt.

Thanks for the great tip, dongola!


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