You don't have to search for very long to find a variety of printable bounce cards online, but most of them look like cheap. Use this printable template to put together a free, effective, and good-looking bounce card.
The bounce card template is provided by LADIG, the Los Angeles Digital Imaging Group, a group dedicated to promotion digital photography and digital media of all kinds. You'll need to print it out on cardstock for it to keep it's shape.
Try it out by attaching it with a rubber band and if you like the design a couple dots of velcro will make it easier attach and remove it. If you really like the design and were feeling ambitious you could stop by your local print shop and ask for a piece of white and black vinyl cover stock, gluing them together and using a regular print out as your cutting template to create a really sturdy and durable version.
You can download the template the link below or visit the LADIG website for more information about their organization here. Have a favorite DIY photography hack? Let's hear about it in the comments.
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