Habitually showing up late for meetings and missing deadlines are tell-tale signs you need to up your organization quotient, but clutter (mental or otherwise) could be affecting your work in other, more subtle ways. Weblog Unclutter has a few questions for you:
Photo by tiswango.
* Do client/supervisor requests often linger unanswered for more than 24 hours?
* Do you have action items on your to-do list that have been there for more than a week? a month?
* When you come into work in the morning, does it take you more than 15 minutes to start doing work-related tasks?
If the stress of one of those less obvious problems is getting to you, Unclutterer has several simple suggestions. For example:
When planning your day, schedule 30 minutes to focus on these lingering tasks. Keep scheduling time for these activities until you are able to cross all of them off of your to-do list. Then, make a commitment to never let an action item linger on your to-do list for more than a week (or two, based on your type of work). These lingering items create a great deal of anxiety, and that anxiety can slow you down.
Once you get yourself better organized, there's a good chance it will show in your job efficiency, and that's when you know you're on to something. What are your best tips for finding your efficiency sweet spot and staying organized at work? Share them in the comments.
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